Ran He


My Research

My research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, and image processing. I have been working on the following research topics:

  • Biometrics
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    I am interested in advanced biometric algorithms in terms of iris recognition, face recognition, heterogeneous image synthesis and recognition. I am committed to tacking biometric recognition problems in complex unconstrained situations, such as large pose variations and extreme lightings. Some works have achieved satisfactory performances in real scenarios, and been successfully applied in mobile phones, public security, etc.

  • Low-Level Vision
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    I am interested in most tasks of low-level vision, like super-resolution, deblurring, denoising, inpainting, deraining, anti-makeup, face aging and cross-spectral hallucination. Some of the works have achieved promising performances in diverse datasets and benchmarks. We have already focused on image enhancement in real-world scenarios like surveillance, and alleviated the challenges of down-stream computer-vision applications.

  • Unsupervised Learning and Generative Models
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    I am interested in developing unsupervised learning methods and generative models, including information theory learning, domain adaptation, Variational Autoencoder and Generative Adversarial Networks. The proposed algorithms achieved advanced distribution quality and visual appearance. Specifically, I am trying to conquer the essential issues in high-resolution synthesis. Some of the works have been successfully applied to novel view synthesis, portrait manipulation, and image-to-image translation.

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    • 12/2023   I will serve as the Associate Editor of IJCV.
    • 12/2023   I will serve as the Associate Editor of IEEE T-IFS.
    • 12/2023   I will serve as the Associate Editor of IEEE T-CSVT.
    • 09/2023   I will serve as Area Chair of ICLR 2024.
    • 08/2023   I will serve as Area Chair of CVPR 2024.
    • 07/2023   Congratulations to Chaoyou Fu, presented with IEEE Biometrics Council Best Doctoral Dissertation Award.
    • 05/2023   Jie Cao, Peipei Li, Chaoyou Fu and Mandi Luo have been named the CVPR 2023 Outstanding Reviewers.
    • 03/2023   I will serve as the Area Chair of NeurIPS 2023.
    • 02/2023   2 paper accepted in CVPR 2023.
    • 12/2022   I will serve as the Associate Editor of IEEE T-BIOM.
    • 12/2022   I will serve as the Area Chair of ICML 2023.
    • 10/2022   I will serve as IEEE IFS-TC Member.
    • 09/2022   Congratulations! Dr. Ran He was conferred on CAS Outstanding Tutor Award.
    • 03/2022   I will serve as the Area Chair of NeurIPS 2022.
    • 02/2022   I will serve as the Area Chair of ECCV 2022.
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